Farmers Markets
Forest Virginia Farmers Market
Regular Season
Saturdays 8:00 to 12:00, last Saturday in April - last Saturday in October
Located on the lawn behind the Forest Library
15583 Forest Road, Forest VA
Holiday and Winter Markets
Every third Saturday in November and every second Saturday in December, January, February, March and April, 9:00 to 12:00 - held outdoors behind the library.
Visit for details about the market.
Moneta Virginia (Smith Mtn. Lake) Farmers Market
Wednesdays 3 to 7 pm, beginning the Wednesday following Memorial day through the Wednesday following Labor Day. Located on the corner of White House Rd. and Celebration Ave, Moneta VA (behind the SML Pavillion).
We plan on attending every market, but this is not definite. Please inquire a week ahead by email (click here) to be sure of our attendance. Also, the number and types of products brought to each market will vary, so please let us know ahead of time if you are in search of a specific product so that we can be sure to set it aside for you - thank you!